Isaiah 14:28-32

Matthew(i) 28 The same yeare that kynge Ahaz dyed, God threatened by Esay on thys maner: 29 Reioyse not (thou whole Palestina) as thoughe the road of him that beateth the were broken: for out of the serpentes rote, there shall waxe a kockatrice, & the frute shalbe a fyrie worme. 30 But the poore shall fede of the best thynges, and the simple shal dwel in safety. Thy rotes wil I destroye with hunger, and it shall slay thy remnaunt. 31 Mourne ye portes, wepe ye cities, and feare thou (O whole Palestina) for there shall come from the North a smoke, whose power noman may abyde. 32 Who shall then maynteyne the messages of the Gentyles? But the Lorde stablisheth Sion, and the poore of my people shall put their truste in hym.