Isaiah 14:10-16

Matthew(i) 10 that they may all (one after another) synge & speake vnto the. Art thou wounded also as we? art thou become lyke vnto vs? 11 Thy pompe and thy pryde is gone doune to hell. Mothes shalbe layde vnder the, and wormes shalbe thy coueringe. 12 How art thou fallen from heauen (O Lucifer) thou faire mornyng childe? hast thou gotten a fal euen to the ground, thou that (not withstanding) diddest subdue the people. 13 And yet thou thoughtest in thyne herte: I wyll climme vp into heauen, and make my seate aboue the starres of God, I wyl syt vpon the glorious mounte toward the North, 14 I wyll climme vp aboue the cloudes, and wylbe like the hyghest of all. 15 Yet darre I saye, that thou shalt be brought doune to the depe of hel. 16 They that se the, shal narowly loke vpon the, and thinke in them selues, sayenge: Is thys the man, that brought all landes in feare, and made the kyngedomes afrayde.