Hebrews 8:10-13

Matthew(i) 10 For thys is the testament that I will make wyth the house of Israel: After those dayes sayth the Lorde: I wyl put my lawes in their myndes, and in theyr hertes I wyl wryte them and I wyll be theyr God, and they shall be my people. 11 And they shall not teache euerye man hys neyghboure, and euerye man hys brother, saiynge: knowe the Lorde: For they shall knowe me, from the leste to the most of them: 12 For I wyll be mercyfull ouer theyr vnryghtuousnes, and on theyr synnes & on theyr iniquities. 13 In that he sayth a newe testament he hath abrogate the olde. Now that which is dysanulled and waxed olde, is readye to vanyshe awaye.