32 And what shall I more saye? the tyme woulde be to short for me to tell of Gedeon, of Baroch, and of Sampson, and of Iephtae: also of Dauid and Samuel, and of the Prophetes:
33 which thorowe fayth subdued kingdomes wrought ryghtuousnes, obtayned the promyses, stopped the mouthes of Lyons,
34 quenched the vyolence of fyre, escaped the edge of the swearde, of weake were made stronge, waxed valyaunte in fyght, turned to flyghte the armyes of the alientes.
35 And the women receyued theyr dead raysed to lyfe agayne. Other were racked, and woulde not be delyuered, that they myghte receyue a better resurreccyon.
36 Other tasted of mockynges and scourgynges, moreouer of bondes and prysonmente,
37 were stoned, were hewen a sounder, were tempted, were slayne wyth swerdes, walked vp and doune in shepes skynnes, in gotes skynnes, in nede, trybulacyon, and vexacyon,
38 whiche the world was not worthy of, they wandred in wyldernes, in mountaines, in dennes and caues of the earth
39 And these all thorowe fayth obtayned good report, and receyued not the promys,