Hebrews 11:32 Cross References - Matthew

32 And what shall I more saye? the tyme woulde be to short for me to tell of Gedeon, of Baroch, and of Sampson, and of Iephtae: also of Dauid and Samuel, and of the Prophetes:

Judges 4:1-6:8

1 And the chyldren of Israel began agayne to do wickedly in the sight of the Lorde, when Ahud was dead. 2 And the Lorde solde them into the handes of Iakin Kynge of Canaan, that raygned in Hazor, whose captaynes of warre was Sisara, which dwelt in Haroseth of the gentyles. 3 And the chyldren of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde: for he had nyne hundred charettes of yron, he oppressed the chyldren of Israel wyth power .xx. yeares. 4 And Debora a Prophetysse, the wyfe of Lapidoth iudged Israell the same tyme, 5 and dwelt vnder the paulme tree of Debora, betwene Ramath & Bethell, in mount Ephraim. And the chyldren of Israel came to her for iudgement. 6 And she sent and called Barak the sonne of Abinoam, out of Kedes Nephtalim, and sayde vnto hym. The Lorde God of Israel commaundeth the, that thou go and drawe to mounte Thabor, and take wyth the ten thousande men, of the chyldren of Nephtalim and of the chyldren of Zabulon. 7 And I wyll brynge vnto the ryuer Kyson Sisara, the captayne of warre vnto Iabin, wyth hys charettes, and hys people, and wyll delyuer them into thyne handes. 8 And Barak sayde vnto her, yf thou wylt go wt me, I wyll go: But & yf thou wilt not go wyth me, then I wyll not go.

Judges 5:1-6:8

1 Then Debora & Barak the sonne of Abinoam, sange the same day: saying. 2 Prayse the Lorde in them that were wyllyng whyle other sate stylle in Israel. 3 Heare kynges Lordes, I wyl synge, and geue prayse vnto the Lorde God, of Israell. 4 Lorde when thou departedest out of Seir and camest from the feldes of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heauen rayned, & the cloudes dropped water: 5 the mountaynes mealted before the Lorde, euen mounte Sinai before the Lorde God of Israel. 6 In the dayes of Samgar the sonne of Anath and in the dayes of Iael, the hye wayes were vnoccupyed. And they that walked by pathes, went by wayes that fet compases aboute. 7 The vyllages were vnenhabyted in Israell, were vnenhabyted, vntyl I Debora arose vntyll I arose a mother in Israell. 8 God chose new fashyons of warre, for when they had warre at theyr gates: there was not sene amonge fourtye thousande, eyther shyld or spere in Israel.

Judges 6:1-8

1 And the children of Israel committed wickednesse in the sight of the Lord. And the Lord deliuered them into the handes of the Madianites seuen yeres. 2 And when the hand of the Madianites was sore vpon Israel, the children of Israel made them dennes in the mountaynes & caues & strong holdes. 3 For when Israel had sowen, then came the Madianites the Amalechites, & they of the east contreye vpon them & pitched their tentes agaynste them 4 & destroyed the encrease of the earth euen vnto Azah, & left no sustinaunce in Israel, neyther shepe, oxe or asse, 5 for they came wyth theyr cattell & housholdes euen as greshopers in multitude: so that both they & also theyr camels were wythoute nombre. And they entrede the land to destroy it. 6 And so was Israel excedyngly impoueresshed by the Madianites & cryed vnto the Lord. 7 And when the chyldren of Israell cryed vnto the Lorde because of the Madianites, 8 the Lorde sent a Prophete vnto them, & sayde vnto them: Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: I fette you from Egipt & brought you out of the house of bondage,

Judges 6:11

11 And the Angel of the Lorde came and sate vnder an Ocke in Ephrah, that pertayned vnto Ioas the father of the Eserytes. And his sonne Gedeon pressed out whete out of the eares in a presse, for to flee from the Madianites.

Judges 11:1-12

1 And there was one Iephthath a Galaadite, a strong man, which was the sonne of an harlot. How be it Galaad begatte Iephthah. 2 But Galaades wyfe bare hym sonnes, which when they were come to age, thrust out of Iephthah, & sayd vnto him: thou shalt not enheret in our fathers house, for thou art the sonne of a straunge woman. 3 Then Iephthah fledde from hys brethren, & dwelt in the lande of Tob. And there gathered Idle people to Iephthah, & went out with him. 4 But it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the children of Ammon made warre agaynst Israel, 5 then the elbers of Galaad went & fet Iephthah out of the lambe of Tob, 6 & sayd vnto hym: come & be oure captayne, & let vs fyght with the chyldren of Ammon. 7 And Iephthah sayd vnto the elders of Galaad. Dyd not ye hate me, & expell me out of my fathers house? how happeneth it then that you come vnto me now in tyme of your trybulacyon? 8 And the elders of Galaad aunswered Iephthah. Therfore we turne agayne to the now, that thou go with vs, & fight against the chyldren of Ammon, & be oure head ouer al the enhabiters of Galaad. 9 And Iephthah said vnto the elders of Galaad: If ye brynge me home agayne to fyght wyth the chyldren of Ammon then yf the Lord delyuer them before me, I shalbe your head. 10 And the elders of Galaad sayde to Iephthah, the Lorde be witnesse betwene vs, yf we do not accordynge to thy wordes. 11 Then Iephthah went with the elders of Galaad. And the people made hym heade and ruler ouer them. And Iephthah rehersed all hys wordes in Mazphah. 12 Then Iephthah sent messengers vnto the Kynge of the chyldren of Ammon, sayinge: what aileth the with me that thou comest vpon me to fyght agaynst my lande?

Judges 13:1-16

1 And the chyldren of Israell began again to committe wickednesse in the syght of the Lorde. And the Lorde delyuered them into the handes of the Phylistynes fourtye yere. 2 And there was a man in Zaraah of the kynred of the Dannites, named Manoah, whose wyfe was barren and bare not. 3 And the Angel of the Lord apeared vnto his wyfe and sayd vnto her: Behold, thou art barren and bearest not: But thou shalt conceyue and beare a sonne. 4 And nowe beware, and dryncke no wyne, nor stronge drincke, neither eate any vncleane thinge: 5 for se, thou shalt conceiue and beare a sonne. And there maye no rasor or sherers come on his head: For the lad shalbe an abstayner vnto God, euen from the tyme of his byrth. And he shal begynne to delyuer Israel out of the handes of the Phylystynes. 6 Then the wyfe wente and tolde her husbande saying: a man of God came vnto me, and the fashyon of him was lyke the fashyon of an Angel of God, exceading fearful: But I asked him not whence he was, neyther told he me his name. 7 And he sayd vnto me: beholde thou shalt be wyth chylde and beare a sonne, and now dryncke no wyne nor stronge drincke, neyther any vncleane thinge: for the lad shalbe an abstayner to God euen from hys byrth to the daye of his death. 8 Then Manoah made intercession to the Lorde, and sayde: I praye the my Lorde let the man of God, which thou sendest come ones more vnto vs and teache vs, what we shal do vnto the lad when he is borne. 9 And God heard the voice of Manoah, and the angel of God came agayne vnto the wyfe, as she sat in the feldes: But Manoah her husbande was not wyth her. 10 Then the wyfe made haste and ranne and shewed her husbande and sayde to hym: Beholde the man apeared vnto me that came the other daye vnto me. 11 And Manoah arose and wente after hys wyfe, and came to the man and sayde vnto him: art thou the man that spakeste vnto my wyfe? And he sayd, ye. 12 Then Manoah sayde, now when thy saying is come to passe, what shalbe the maner of the chylde, and what shal he do? 13 And the Angel of the Lorde sayd vnto Manoah: thy wife must abstaine from al that I sayde vnto her: 14 she maye eate of nothynge, that cometh of the vyne tree, nor drincke wine or stronge dryncke, nor eate anye vncleane thynge: But must obserue all that I bad her. 15 Then sayde Manoah vnto the Angell of the Lord, graunte vs to tarye vntil we haue made redye a kyd and haue set it before the. 16 And the angel of the Lorde sayd vnto Manoah: though thou make me abyde, I will not eate of thy meate. And moreouer, yf thou wylt prepare a burntoffryng, that thou must offer vnto the Lord. For Manoah wist not that it was an angel of the Lorde.

Judges 13:24

24 And the wyfe bare a sonne, and called his name Samson. And the lad grewe, and the Lord blessed him.

1 Samuel 1:20

20 And in processe of tyme she couceyued and bare a sonne, & called hys name Samuel: because she had asked hym of the Lord.

1 Samuel 2:11

11 And Elkanah went to Ramath to hys house, and the ladde dyd mynystre vnto the Lorde before Eli the prieste.

1 Samuel 2:18

18 But the ladde Samuel mynystred before the Lord gyrded about wyth a lynen Ephod.

1 Samuel 3:1-12

1 And the child Samuel ministred vnto the Lord Eli: & the word of the Lorde was precious in those dayes, for there was none open vision. 2 And it chaunsed at that tyme, that Eli laye in his place, & his eyes began to waxe dimme, that he could not se. 3 And yer the lamp of God went out. Samuel layd him doune to slepe, in the temple of the Lord, where the arcke of God was. 4 And the Lorde called Samuel: & he sayd: here am I, 5 & he ran vnto Eli, & said: here am I, for thou calledest me. And he sayde I called the not: go agayne, & slepe. And he went and layde hym doune to slepe. 6 And the Lord called once againe: Samuel, and Samuel arose & went to Eli, and sayd: I am here, thou dyddest call me. And he aunswered: I called the not my sonne. Go agayne & take thy rest: 7 but it was yer Samuel knewe the Lord, & yer the worde of the Lorde was opened vnto hym. 8 And the Lorde wente to & called Samuel the thyrde tyme. And he arose and wente to Eli, and sayde: I am here: for thou hast called me. Then Eli perceyued that the Lord had called the ladde. 9 And said vnto him: go & lye doune: & yf he call the agayne, then say: speake on Lord, for thy seruaunt heareth. And Samuel went & layed him doune in hys place. 10 And the Lord came & stode & called as before, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said speake on, for thy seruaunt heareth the. 11 And the Lord said to Samuel: beholde I wyl do a thing in Israel, that the eares of as many as heareth it, shall tingle. 12 In that day I wyll performe to Eli, al that I haue spoken concernyng hys house: I wil begynne it & ende it.

1 Samuel 12:11

11 And the Lorde sent Ierobaal Badan. Iephthah & Samuel, & delyuered you out of the handes of youre ennemyes on euery syde, so that ye dwelled with out feare.

1 Samuel 16:1

1 And then the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: How longe wilt thou mourne for Saul, seing I haue cast him away from raygning ouer Israel? fyll an horne with oyntment, and come: I wil sende the to Isay the Bethlehemite, for I haue spyed me a king amonge his sonnes.

1 Samuel 16:13

13 And Samuel toke the horne with the oyntment and annoynted him in the presens of hys brethren. And the spryte of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp and went to Ramath.

1 Samuel 17:1-18

1 The Philistines gathered theyr hoste to battel, and came together to Socoh in Iuda, and pitched betwene Socoh and Azekah, in the ende of Domim. 2 And Saul and the men of Israel came and pytched in Ockedale, and put them selues in araye, to fyght agaynst the Phylystines. 3 And the Philistynes stode on an hyll on the one syde, and Israel stode on a hyll on the other syde, and a valeye betwene them. 4 And then came a man and stode in the myddes, out of the tentes of the Philistines named Goliath of Geth syxe cubytes and an handbredeth longe, 5 and had an helmet of brasse vpon hys head, and a coote of mayle about hym. And the weyght of his coote of mayle was fyue thousande Cyckles of brasse. 6 And he had harnesse of brasse vpon hys legges, and a shilde of brasse vpon hys shoulders. 7 And the shaft of hys spere was like a weauers beame. And hys speare heade weyed syx hundred sykles of yron. And one bearynge a shylde went before hym. 8 And he stode and called vnto the hoste of Israel, and sayde vnto them: what neadeth that ye shoulde come out in araye to battell? am not I a Philistine, and you seruauntes to Saul, chose you a man, and let hym come doune to me, 9 yf he be able to fyght wyth me, and to beate me, then we wyll be youre seruauntes. But yf I can ouercome hym and beate hym, then ye shalbe oure seruauntes and serue vs. 10 And the Philistine said: I haue defyed the host of Israel thys daye geue me a man and let vs fyght together. 11 When Saul and all Israell hearde those wordes of the Philistine, they were discouraged & greatly afraied. 12 And this Dauid was the sonne of an Ephrathite of Bethlehem Iuda, named Isai, whyche Isai had eyght sonnes. And was an olde man in the daies of Saul among the people. 13 And the thre eldest sonnes of Isai went and folowed Saul to battell. And the names of his thre sonnes that went to battel were Eliab the eldest, and the next to hym Abinadab, and the thyrd Samah, 14 and Dauid was the youngest. And when the thre eldest were gone after Saul, 15 Dauid went and departed from Saul, to fede hys fathers shepe at Bethlehem. 16 And the Philistine came forth euery mornyng and euenyng, and contynued fourtye dayes. 17 And Isai sayde vnto Dauid hys sonne: take for thy brethren this Epha of parched corne, and these ten loues, and runne to the hoste, to thy brethren. 18 And carye these ten freshe cheses vnto the capitayne, and loke how thy brethren fare, and fet out their pledges.

1 Samuel 28:3-25

3 Samuel was then deade, and all Israel had lamented hym & buryed hym in Ramath hys owne cytye. And Saul had put the wemen that had spyrytes of prophesye & the Sorcerers oute of the lande. 4 And the Philistines gathered together and came and pytched in Sunam. And Saule and al Israell gathered together and pytched in Gelboe. 5 And when Saul sawe the hoste of the Philistines, he was afrayed, and hys hert was sore astonied. 6 And Saul asked councell of the Lorde: But the Lord answered hym not, nether by dreame nor by Vrim, nor yet by Prophetes. 7 Then sayde Saul vnto hys seruauntes: seke me a woman that is mastres of a spyrit of prophecie, that I may go to her and aske of her. And his seruauntes said to hym: se, there is a wyfe that hath a spyrit of prophecy in her possession at Endor. 8 And Saul chaunged hys clothes & put on other rayment, & then went he and two men wt hym, & they came to the wyfe by nyghte. And he sayde: prophesye vnto me by the spyryt, & bring me him vp whom I shal name vnto the. 9 And the wyfe sayde vnto hym: Beholde, thou knowest what Saul hath done how he hath destroyed the wemen that had prophesyinge spirites, & the Sorcerers out of the lande. Wherfore then layest thou a nette for my soule to kyl me? 10 And Saul swore to her by the Lorde sayinge: As surely as the Lord lyueth, there shall no harme chaunce the for this thynge. 11 Then saide the wyfe: whom shall I fetche vp vnto the? and he sayde: Brynge me vp Samuel. 12 When the woman saw Samuell, she cryed with a loude voice & spake to Saul saying: why hast thou mocked me for thou art Saul: 13 And the kynge sayde vnto her, be not afrayd. But what seyst thou. And the wyfe sayde vnto Saul: I se a God ascendynge vp out of the earth. 14 And he sayd: what fashyon is he of? And the woman sayd: there cometh vp an olde man wyth a mantel vpon hym. And Saul perceyued that it was Samuel, and stouped wt hys face to the ground and bowed him selfe. 15 And Samuel sayde to Saul: why hast thou vnquyeted me, to make me be brought vp? And Saul answered: I am sore encombred. For the Philistines make warre agaynst me & God is departed from me & answered me no more, nether by prophetes, nether by dreames. And therfore I haue called the, to tell me what I shall do. 16 Then said Samuel: wherfore doest thou aske of me? while the lorde is gone from the & is thyne enemye, 17 the lorde wyl do to the as he sayde by my hande. For the lorde wyl rent the kyngdom out of thyne hand, & geue it thy neyghboure Dauid, 18 because thou obeydst not the voyce of the Lorde, nor excutest hys fearce wrath vpon the Amalekites. Therfore hath the lord done thys vnto the this daye. 19 And moreouer the Lorde wyll delyuer Israel wyth the, into the handes of the Philistines. And to morow shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me, and the Lorde shall geue the host of Israel into the handes of the Philistines. 20 Then Saul fell streyght waye flatte on the earth as longe as he was, and was sore a dread of the wordes of Samuel. And therto there was no strength in hym, for he had not eaten all the daye & the nyght before. 21 And the woman came vnto Saul and sawe that he was sore troubled, and said vnto him Se, thyne handmayde hath obeyed thy voyce and haue put my soule in my hand, and haue harkened vnto thy wordes whyche thou saydest vnto me. 22 Now therefore harken thou also vnto the voyce of thyne handmayde, and let me set a morsel of bread before the, and eat and get the strength to go thy iourney. 23 But he refused it and sayde: I will not eate. But hys seruauntes and the wyfe together compelled hym, that he hearde their voice. And so he arose from the earth and sat hym on a bed. 24 The woman had a fat calf in the house, and that she hasted and kylled it, and toke flower and kneed it, and dyd bake hym swete cakes, 25 and brought them before Saul, and before his seruauntes. And when they had eaten, they stode vp, and went awaye the same nyght.

Psalms 99:6

6 Moyses ond Aaron amonge hys pryestes and Samuell amonge such as call vpon hys name: these called vpon the Lorde, and he hearde them.

Jeremiah 15:1

1 Then spake the Lorde vnto me, & sayde: Though Moses and Samuel stode before me, yet haue I no herte to thys people. Dryue them awaye, that they maye go out of my syght.

Matthew 5:12

12 Reioyce & be glad, for great is your reward in heauen. For so persecuted they the prophetes which were before your dayes.

Luke 13:28

28 There shalbe wepynge and gnashing of teth, when ye shall se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob, and all the Prophetes in the kingdome of God, and your selues thruste oute at dores.

Luke 16:31

31 He sayed vnto hym: yf they heare not Moyses, and the Prophetes, neyther wyll they beleue, though one rose from death agayne.

John 21:25

25 Ther are also many other thinges whych Iesus dyd, the whiche if they shoulde be written euery one I suppose the worlde could not contayne the bokes that shuld be written.

Acts 2:29-31

29 Men and brethren, let me frely speake vnto you of the patriarche Dauid: For he is both dead and buryed, and hys sepulchre remaineth wyth vs vnto this daye. 30 Therfore seiyng he was a Prophet, and knew that God had sworne wyth an othe to hym, that the fruyte of hys loynes shoulde sit on hys seat (in that Christ shoulde ryse agayne in the flesh) 31 he sawe before: and spake of the resurreccion of Christ, that hys soule shoulde not be lefte in hell: neyther hys fleshe should se corruption.

Acts 3:24

24 Also all the Prophetes from Samuel and thence forth, as manye as haue spoken, haue in lykewyse tolde of these dayes.

Acts 10:43

43 To hym geue all the Prophetes witnes, that thorowe hys name, all that beleue in hym, shall receyue remission of sinnes.

Acts 13:20

20 And afterwarde he gaue vnto them iudges about the space of .iiij.C. and .l. yeares vnto the tyme of Samuel the prophet.

Acts 13:22-36

22 And after he had put him doune, he set vp Dauid to be theyr kynge of whom he reported sayinge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after myne owne hert, he shall fulfyll all my wyll. 23 Of thys mans seed hath God (accordynge to hys promes) brought forth to the people of Israell a sauyour, one Iesus, 24 when Iohn had fyrste preached before hys commyng the baptisme of repentaunce to Israel. 25 And when Iohn had fulfylled hys course he sayde: whome ye thinke that I am, the same am I not. But behold ther cometh one after me, whose shewes of hys fete I am not worthy to lowse. 26 Ye men and brethren, chyldren of the generacyon of Abraham, and whosoeuer amonge you, feareth God, to you is this worde of saluacyon sente. 27 The inhabiters of Ierusalem & theyr rulers, because they knowe him not, nor yet the voices of the prophetes which are reade euerye Saboth daye, they haue fulfylled them in condempnyng hym. 28 And when they found no cause of death in hym, yet desyred they Pylate to kyll hym. 29 And when they had fulfilled all that were written on hym, they toke hym doune from the tree, and put hym in a sepulchre. 30 But God raysed hym agayne from death, 31 and he was sene manye dayes of them whiche came with hym from Galile to Ierusalem, Which are hys wytnesses vnto the people. 32 And we declare vnto you, how that the promes made vnto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfylled vnto vs theyr children, in that he raysed vp Iesus agayne, euen as it is wryten in the fyrste psalme: Thou arte my sonne, thys same daye begat I the. 34 As concernyng that he raysed hym vp from death, nowe no more to returne to corrupcion, he sayed on thys wyse. The holy promyses made to Dauid, I wyll geue them faythfully to you. 35 Wherfore he sayth also in another place: Thou shalte not suffer thyne holy one to se corrupcyon. 36 Howbeit Dauid after he had in hys tyme fulfylled the wyll of God, he slepte, and was layde with hys fathers, and sawe corrupcyon.

Romans 3:5

5 If our vnryghtuousnes make the ryghtuousnes of God more excellent: what shall we saye? Is God vnrightuous which taketh vengeaunce? I speake after the maner of men,

Romans 4:1

1 What shall we saye then, that Abraham oure father as pertaynyng to the fleshe, dyd fynde?

Romans 6:1

1 What shall we saye then? Shal we continue in synne, that there maye be aboundaunce of grace?

Romans 7:7

7 What shall we saye then? Is the lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meante but by the law. For I had not knowne what luste had meant, except the lawe had sayed, thou shalte, not lust.

James 5:10

10 Take (my brethren) the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferyng aduersitye, & of longe pacience, whiche spake in the name of the Lorde.

1 Peter 1:10-12

10 Of whiche saluacyon haue the Prophetes enquyred and searched, whiche prophesyed of the grace that shoulde come vnto you, 11 searchynge when or at what tyme of the spyryte of Christe whiche was in them, shoulde signifye, whiche spyryte testyfyed before, the passyons that shoulde come vnto Christe, and the glorye that shoulde folowe after: 12 vnto which Prophetes it was declared, that not vnto them selues, but vnto vs, they shoulde mynyster the thynges whiche are nowe shewed vnto you of them whiche by the holye ghoste sent doune from heauen, haue preached vnto you the thynges whiche the aungels desyre to beholde.

2 Peter 1:21

21 For the scrypture came neuer by the wyl of man, but holye men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghoste.

2 Peter 3:2

2 the wordes, which were tolde before of the holy prophetes, and also the commaundementes of vs the apostles of the Lorde and sauiour.

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