Genesis 41:25-32

Matthew(i) 25 Then Ioseph sayde vnto Pharao: both Pharaos dreames are one. And God doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to do. 26 The seuen good kyne are .vij. yeres: & the seuen good eares: are seuen yeres also, and it is but one dreame. 27 Likewyse the seuen thynne and euel fauored kyne that came out after them, are seuen yeres: and the .vij. emptye and blasted eares shalbe .vij. yeres of hunger. 28 This is that whiche I sayde vnto Pharao, that god doth shewe Pharao what he is about to do. 29 Beholde there shal come .vij. yere of great plenteousnes through oute all the lande of Egypte. 30 And there shal aryse after them .vij. yeres of hunger. So that al the plenteousnes shalbe forgotten in the lande of Egypt. And the hunger shall consume the lande: 31 so that the plenteousnes shall not be once a sene in the lande by reason of that hunger that shall come after, for it shalbe exceadynge greate. 32 And as concernynge that the dreame was doubled vnto Pharao the seconde tyme, it betokeneth that the thynges is certanly prepared of God, and that God wyll shortlye brynge it to passe.