Ezekiel 24:16-23

Matthew(i) 16 Thou sonne of man, beholde I wil take awaye the pleasure of thyne eyes with a plage: yet shalt thou neyther mourne, nor wepe, nor water thy chekes therfore: 17 thou mayest mourne by thy self alone, but vse no deadly lamentacyon. Hold on thy bonet, and put on thy shues vpon thy fete, couer not thy face, and eate no mourners breade. 18 So I spake vnto the people by tymes in the morninge and at euen my wyfe dyed: then vpon the next morowe, I did as I was commaunded. 19 And the people sayde vnto me: wilt thou not tell vs, what that signifyeth, whyche thou doest? 20 I answered them, the word of the lord came vnto me sayinge: 21 Tell the house of Israell, thus sayeth the Lorde God: beholde, I wyl suspende my sanctuarye: euen the glorye of your power, the pleasure of youre eyes, & the thyng that ye loue, youre sonnes & doughters whome ye haue left, shall fal thorow the swerde. 22 Lyke as I haue done, so shall ye do also: Ye shall not hide youre faces, ye shall eate no mourners bread: 23 your bonnettes shall ye haue vpon youre heades, and shues vpon your fete. Ye shall neyther mourne nor wepe, but in youre sinnes ye shalbe sorowful, and one repente with another.