18 beholde, to morow this tyme I wyl send down a mighty great hayle: euen such one as was not in Egipt sence it was grounded vnto this time
19 Sende therefore and fette home thy beastes and all that thou hast in the feyld. For vpon all the men and beastes whyche are founde in the felde and not brought home, shall the haile fall and they shall dye.
20 And as manye as feared the worde of the Lorde among the Seruauntes of Pharao, made theyr seruauntes and theyr beastes flee to house:
21 and they that regarded not the word of the Lord lefte theyr seruauntes and theyr Beastes in the fyelde.
22 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moses: stretch forth thyne hand vnto heauen, that there maye be haile in al the land of Egypt: vpon man & beast, & vpon all the herbes of the fielde in the feld of Egypt.
23 And Moses stretched out his rodd vnto heauen, & the Lorde thondered and hayled, so that the fyre ran a longe vpon the ground And the Lord so hayled in the land of Egypt,
24 that there was hayle & fyre mingled with the hayle, so greauouse, that there was none suche in all the Lande of Egypte, sence people inhabited it.
25 And the hayle smote in the lande of Egypte al that was in the fyeld both man and beaste. And the hayle smote al the herbes of the field, and broke al the trees of the felde:
26 only in the land of Gosan wher the chyldrene of Israell were, was there no hayle.
27 And Pharao sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and sayed vnto them: I haue now synned, the Lord is ryghtuous, & I and my people are wicked.
28 Pray ye vnto the Lord, that the thonder of God & hayle may cease, and I wyll let you go, and ye shall tarye no lenger.
29 And Moyses sayd vnto hym: as sone as I am out of the city, I wyl sprede abrode my handes vnto the Lorde, and the thonder shal cease, neither shal there be any more hayle that thou mayste knowe howe that the earth is the Lordes.