15 And thou shalt make bordes for the habitacion of sethim wood to stand vp ryght:
16 ten cubytes longe shal euery borde be, and a cubite & an halfe brode.
17 Two fete shall one borde haue to couple them together wt all, & so thou shalt make vnto al the bordes of that habitacion.
18 And thou shalt make .xx. bordes for the habytacion on the south syde,
19 & thou shalt make .xl. sockets of syluer and put theim vnder the .xx. bordes .ij. sockettes vnder euery borde, for their .ij. fete.
20 In lyke maner in the north syde of the habitacion there shalbe .xx. bordes
21 and .xl. sockettes of siluer: two sokettes vnder euery bord.
22 And for the west ende of the habitacion, shalt thou make syxe bordes
23 & two bordes mo for the two west corners of the habitacyon:
24 so that these two bordes be coupled together beneth and lykewyse aboue with clampes. And so shall it be in both the corners.
25 And so ther shal be .viij. bordes in al & .xvi. sockettes of syluer .ij. sockettes vnder euery bord.
26 And thou shalt make barres of sethim wood fyue for the bordes of the one syde of the tabernacle, & fyue for the other syde,
27 and fyue for the bordes of the west ende.
28 And the mydle barre shall goo alonge thorowe the myddes of the bordes and bar them together from the one ende vnto the other.
29 And thou shalte couer the bordes with golde and make golden rynges for them to put the barres thorowe, and shalt couer the barres wyth golde also.