1 And he sayde vnto Moses: come vnto the Lord: both thou & Aaron, Nadab & Abihu, & the .lxx. elders of Israel, and worship afarre of.
2 And Moyses went hym selfe alone vnto the Lord, but they came not nye, neyther came the people vp with hym.
3 And Moses came & tolde the people all the wordes of the Lorde & all the lawes. And all the people aunswered with one voyce & sayd: all the wordes which the Lord hath sayd, will we do.
4 Then Moyses wrote all the wordes of the Lorde & rose vp early and made an aulter vnder the hyl, & .xij. pyllers according to the numbre of the .xij. trybes of Israell,
5 and sent yonge men of the children of Israel to sacrifice burntoffringes and to offre peaceoffringes of Oxen vnto the Lorde.
6 And Moyses toke halfe of the bloude & put it in basens, and the other halfe he sprenkled on the aulter.
7 And he toke the boke of the appoyntment & red it in the audience of the people. And thei sayd. All that the Lord hath sayd, we wil do and heare.
8 And Moyses toke the bloude and sprynkeld it on the people and sayd: beholde, this is the bloude of the appointment which the Lorde hath made with you vpon al these woordes.