1 Iethro the prieste of Madian, Moses father in lawe hearde of al that god had done to Moses & to Israel hys people, how that the Lord had brought Israel out of Egipt.
2 And he toke Ziphora Moses wyfe, after she was sent backe,
3 and hir two sonnes, of whyche the one was called Gerson, for he sayed: I haue bene an aliente in a straunge land.
4 And the other was called Eliesar: for the God of my father was myne helpe and deliuered me from the swerde of Pharao.
5 Aod Iethro Moses father in lawe came wyth hys two sonnes and hys wyfe vnto Moses into the wyldernes: where he had pytched hys tent by the mount of God.
6 And he sent word to Moses: I thy father in lawe Iethro am come to the, & thy wife also & hir .ij. sonnes with hyr.
7 And Moses wente out to mete hys father in lawe and did obeisaunce and kissed him, and they saluted eche other & came into the tent.
8 And Moses tolde his father in lawe al that the Lord had done vnto Pharao & to the Egiptians for Israels sake, and all the trauayle that had happened them by the way, and how the Lord had deliuered them.
9 And Iethro reioysed ouer all the good which the Lorde had done to Israell, & bicause he had deliuered them out of the handes of the Egyptians.
10 And Iethro saied: blessed be the Lord whyche hath deliuered you oute of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharao, whych hath deliuered hys people from vnder the power of the Egiptians
11 Now I knowe that the Lord is greater then al Gods, for bicause that they dealt proudly with them.
12 And Iethro Moses father in lawe offered burnte offerynges and sacrifices vnto God. And Aaron and all the elders of Israell came to eate bread with Moses father in lawe before God.
13 And it chaunced on the morow that Moses satt to iudge the people, & the people stode about Moses from morninge vnto euen.
14 When his father in law sawe all that he did vnto the people, he sayde: what is this that thou doest vnto the people? why sittest thou thy self & lettest all the people stonde aboute the from mornynge vnto euen?
15 And Moses sayd vnto his father in lawe: because the people came vnto me to seke counsayll of God.
16 For when they haue a matter, thei come vnto me, and I must iudge betwene euery man & his neyghboure, & must shew them the ordinaunces of God and hys lawes.
17 And his father in lawe sayde vnto him: it is not wel that thou doest.
18 Thou doest vnwisely & also this people that is with the: because the thinge is to greuous for the & thou arte not able to do it thy selfe alone.
19 But heare my voyce, and I will geue the counsayl, and God shalbe with the. Be thou vnto the people to Godward, and bryng the causes vnto God
20 and prouide them ordinaunces & lawes, and shewe them the waye wherin they must walke and the workes that they must do.
21 Moreouer seke oute amonge all the people, men of actiuitie which feare God and men that are true and hate coueteousnes: & make them heades ouer the people, captaines ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fifty & ouer ten.
22 And let them iudge the people at all seasons: If there be any great matter let theym bringe that vnto the, & let them iudge al smal causes them selfes, & ease thy selfe & let them bere with the.
23 If thou shalt do this thing, then thou shalt be able to endure that which God chargeth the with all, & all this people shall go to their places quietly.
24 And Moses hearde the voyce of his father in lawe, and dyd all that he had sayd,
25 & chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them heades ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundreds, ouer fiftye and ouer ten.
26 And thei iudged the people at all seasons, & brought the harde causes vnto Moyses: & iudged all small matters them selfes.
27 And than Moses let hys father in lawe departe, and he went into his owne lande.