14 And the Lord commaunded me that same ceason to teache you ordinaunces and lawes, for to do them in the land whither ye go to possesse it.
15 Take hede vnto youre selues diligentlye as pertaynynge vnto youre Soules, for ye sawe no maner of ymage the daye when the Lorde spake vnto you in Horeb out of the fire lest ye marre your selues
16 & make you grauen ymages after whatsoeuer likenes it be: whether after the lykenesse of manne or woman
17 or any maner beaste that is on the earth or of anye maner fethered foule that flyeth in the ayre,
18 or of anye maner worme that creapeth on the earth or of anye maner fish that is in the water beneth the earth.