14 And Yahweh charged me at that time to teach you rules and regulations ⌊for your observation of them⌋* in the land that you are ⌊about to cross into⌋* to take possession of it.
15 "So ⌊you must be very careful for yourselves⌋,* because you did not see* any form on the day Yahweh spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire,
16 so that you do not ⌊ruin yourselves⌋* and make for yourselves a divine image in a form of any image, a replica of male or female,
17 a replica of any animal that is upon the earth, a replica of any winged bird that flies in the air,
18 a replica of any creeping thing on the ground, a replica of any fish that is in the water ⌊below⌋* the earth.