Amos 5:10-14

Matthew(i) 10 but they owe hym euill wil, that reproueth them openly, and who so telleth them the playn truth they abhorre hi 11 For so muche then as ye oppresse the poore, & robbe him of his best sustenaunce: therfore, where as ye haue buylded houses of square stone, ye shall not dwel in them. Maruelous pleasaunt vyneyardes shal ye plante, but the wyne of them shall ye not drynck: and why? 12 as for the multitude of your wickednesses and your stout synnes, I know them ryghte well. Euemyes are ye of the ryghtuous, ye take rewardes, ye oppresse the poore in iudgement. 13 Therfore the wyse muste nowe be fayne to holde hys tunge, so wicked a time is it. 14 Seke after the thynge that is good, & not euill, so shall ye lyue: yea the Lorde God of hostes shall be wyth you, accordyng to your owne desyre.