2 Samuel 13:23-29

Matthew(i) 23 And it happened two yeare after that Absalom had a shepesheryng in Baal Hazor besydes the trybe of Ephraim, & bad all the kynges sonnes, 24 & he came to the kinge & saide: beholde thy seruaunt hath a shepesheryng, let the kyng & hys seruauntes come with thy seruaunt. 25 And the kyng sayd vnto Absalom: Oh nay my sonne, let vs not go euerye one of vs that we be not chargeable vnto the. And Absalom laye sore vpon hym: howe be it he wolde not go, but blessed hym. 26 Then sayd Absalom: then let my brother Amnon go wyth vs. And the kynge aunswered what nedeth it that he go with the 27 But Absalom made such instaunce that he let Amnon go wyth hym, & al the kynges chyldren. 28 Then Absalom commaunded hys younge men sayinge: marke when Amnons herte is mery wyth wyne, & when I byd you smyte Amnon then kyll him: feare not, for it is I that byd you, be bolde therfore, & playe the lustye bloudes. 29 And the young men of Absalom serued Amnon euen as Absalom commaunded them. And al the kynges sonnes arose & toke eche man hys Mule & fled.