1 And the Lorde sent Nathan vnto Dauid. And he came vnto hym & sayde vnto hym: there were .ij. men in one cytye, a ryche and a poore.
2 And the ryche had excedyng great aboundaunce of shepe and oxen.
3 But the pore had nothynge saue one lytle lamb which he bought & noryshed vp. And it grew vp with hym and hys chyldren, and dyd eate of hys owne meate and drancke of hys owne cuppe, and slept in hys bosome, & was as dere vnto hym as hys doughter.
4 And there came a straunger vnto the ryche man. And he coulde not fynde in hys herte to take of hys owne shepe nor of hys beastes to dresse for the straunger that was come vnto hym. But toke the pore mannes lambe, and dressed it for the man that was come to hym.
5 And Dauid was exceding wroth with the man, and sayde to Nathan: as surely as the Lorde lyueth the felowe that hathe done thys thynge, is the chylde of death
6 and shall restore the lambe foure folde, because he dyd thys thynge, and because he had no pitie.
7 Then Nathan sayd to Dauid: thou arte the man. Thys sayth the Lorde God of Israel: I annoynted the kynge ouer Israel, & rydde the out of the handes of Saule.
8 And I geue the thy maysters house and thy maysters wyues into thy bosome, and gaue the the house of Israel and of Iuda, and wolde yf that had bene to lytle, haue geuen the twyse so muche more.
9 Wherfore hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde, to do wyckednesse in hys syght? thou hast kylde Vrias the hethyte with the swerde, and hast taken hys wyfe to thy wyfe, & hast slayne hym wyth the swerde of the chyldren of Amnon.
10 Now therfore the swerd shal neuer depart from thyne house, because (saythe the Lorde) thou hast despysed me, and taken the wyfe of Vrias the Aethite, to be thy wyfe.
11 Thus saith the Lorde: beholde I wyl stere vp euyl against the euen of thyne owne house & wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and geue them vnto thy neyghboure, which shal slepe with them in the syght of the sonne.
12 And thou dyddeste it secretely, yet wyll I do this thinge before al Israel and in the open sonne lyght.
13 Then sayde Dauid vnto Nathan: I haue synned agaynst the Lorde. And Nathan sayde agayne to Dauid: the Lorde hath put awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye.
14 Howe be it because in doynge this deede thou hast geuen the enemyes of the Lorde a cause to rayle, the chyld that is borne the shall dye surelye.