8 Then sayde the kynge to Hazael: take a present wyth the and go againste the man of God, and aske the Lorde by hym whether I shal recouer of thys my dysease or no.
9 And Hazael went to mete hym, & toke presentes wyth hym, euen of al the good thinges of Damasco, as muche as fourtye Cameles coulde beare, and came and presented himselfe before hym and sayde: thy sonne Benhadad Kynge of Syrya hath sent me to the, sayinge: shall I recouer of thys my dysease.
10 And Elizeus sayde to hym: go, and saye to hym: thou shalte recouer, howe be it the Lord hath shewed me that he shall surelye dye.
11 And the man of God beganne to loke earnestlye, in so muche that he was ashamed: and the man of God wept.
12 And Hazael sayd: why wepeth my Lorde: And he aunswered: for I knowe that thou shalte do euyll vnto the chyldren of Israel: theyr stronge cytyes thou shalte set on fyre & theyr younge men thou shalte sleye with the swerde, and shalte dashe oute the braynes of theyr suckynge chyldren, and all to teare their wemen wyth chylde.
13 And Hazael sayde: what is thy seruaunte which am but a dogge, that I shulde do thys great thyng? And Elizeus sayde: for the Lord hath shewed me, that thou shalte be kynge of Syrya.
14 And so he departed from Elizeus and came to hys mayster, whiche sayde to hym. What sayde Elizeus to the? And he sayd: he tolde me that thou shuldest recouer.
15 And on the morowe he toke a rough clothe and dypte it in the water and sprede it on hys face, & he dyed, and Hazael raygned in hys steade.