2 Kings 9

Matthew(i) 1 And Elizeus the prophete called vnto one of the children of the prophetes, & sayde to him: gyrd vp thy loynes & take this boxe of oyle in thyne hande, and get the to Ramoth in Galaad. 2 And when tho comest thyther, thou shalt there se Iehu the sonne of Iehosaphat the sonne of Namsi, and go to hym, and make hym aryse vp from amonge hys brethren, and carye hym to a secret chambre. 3 And take the boxe of oyle, and poure it on hys head, and saye: thus sayth the Lorde: I haue annoynted the to be kyng ouer Israel. And then open the dore & flee, and tary not. 4 And the seruaunt of the Prophet get him to Ramoth in Galaad, 5 & when he came, the captaynes of the Host were syttyng together. And he saide: I haue an errande to the Syr captayne. And Iehu sayde, vnto which of all vs? And he sayd: to the O captayne. 6 And he arose and went into the house. And the other poured the oyle on hys head and sayde to hym, thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: I haue annoynted the to be kynge ouer Israel the people of the Lorde, 7 that thou sleye the housholde of Ahab thy mayster. For I (sayth the Lorde) wyll aduenge the bloud of my seruauntes the Prophetes, and the bloud of all the seruauntes of the Lorde, of the hand of Iezabel 8 (for the whole house of Ahab shalbe destroyed) and I wyll destroye vnto Ahab what pysseth agaynste the wall, and so muche as the presoned or that is forsaken in Israel, 9 & wyll make the house of Ahab lyke the house of Ieroboam sonne of Nabat, and lyke the house of Baasa the sonne of Ahiah. 10 And as for Iezabel the dogges shall eate her in the feld of Iesrahel, and none shall burye her. And he opened the dore and fled. 11 And when Iehu was come out to the seruauntes of hys Lord, they sayde to hym is al peace? Wherfore came this mad felowe to the? And he sayde to hym: ye know the person and hys communicacyon. 12 And they sayde: it is not so. But tell vs a felowshyppe. And he sayde: thus and thus spake he to me, sayinge. Thus sayth the Lorde: I haue annoynted the to be kynge ouer Israel. 13 And they hasted and toke euery man hys mantell, & put vnder hym on an hye benche at the toppe of steppes, & blew a trompet, and sayde: Iehu is kynge. 14 And so Iehu the sonne of Iehosaphat the sonne of Namsi conspyred agaynst Iehoram. And Iehoram had bene waytynge at Ramoth Galaad, and all Israell wyth hym, for feare of Hazael king of Syrya, 15 and was returned to be healed in Iesrahel, of the woundes which the Syryans had geuen hym as he foughte wyth Hazaell kynge of Syrya. Then sayde Iehu: If it be youre myndes, then let no man escape oute of the cytye, to go and tell in Iesrahell. 16 And Iesu rode & went to Iesrahell: for Iehoram laye there, & Ohoziah kyng of Iuda was come to Iehoram. 17 And the watcheman that stode on the toure in Iesrahel, spyed the company of Iehu, as he came and sayde: I se a company. And Iehoram sayd: take an horsman and sende agaynst them, and let hym aske whether it be peace. 18 And there wente one on horsbacke agaynste hym and sayde: thus sayeth the kynge: is it peace? And Iehu aunswered: what hast thou to do wt peace? turne & come after me. And the watchman tolde, sayinge: the messenger came to them but he cometh not agayne. 19 Then he sent oute another on horsbacke, which came to them & sayde, thus sayth the kyng: is it peace? And Iehu aunswered, what hast thou to do with peace? turne and come after me. 20 And the watcheman tolde, sayinge: he came to them, but he cometh not agayne, and the dryuynge is lyke the dryuynge of Iehu the sonne of Namsi, for he dryueth as he were madde. 21 Then sayde Iehoram, make readye. And they made ready his charet. And Iehoram king of Israel, & Ohoziah kyng of Iuda went out eyther in hys charet agaynst Iehu, and mette hym in the furlonge of Naboth the Iezrahelite. 22 And when Iehoram sawe Iehu, he sayde: is it peace Iehu? And he sayde, what peace shulde there be, so longe as the whoredomes of thy mother Iezabel, and her witchcraftes are so great? 23 And Iehoram turned hys hande & fled, & sayde to Ohoziah: there is falshed Ohoziah. 24 And Iehu toke a bowe in hys hande, & smote Iehoram betwene the shoulders, that the arowe came out at hys breast. And he fell doune thre folde in hys charet. 25 Then he sayde to Badakar a lorde of hys, take and cast hym in the plat of grounde of Naboth the Iezrahelyte. For I remembre as I & thou roade together after Ahab his father, how the Lord spake these wordes agaynste hym: 26 I haue sene yesterdaye the bloude of Naboth and of hys sonnes, sayde the Lord, and I wyl quyte him in thys grounde, saythe the Lorde. Now therfore take and cast hym in the plat of grounde accordynge to the worde of the Lorde. 27 And when Ohoziah the kynge of Iuda sawe that he fled the waye to the garden house. And Iehu folowed after hym, and sayde: smite him also. And they smote hym in hys charet at the goynge vp to Sur by Ieblaam, & he fleed to Magedo, and there dyed. 28 And hys seruauntes caryed him to Ierusalem, and buryed him in hys sepulchre with hys fathers in the cytye of Dauid. 29 And in the .xi. yeare of Iehoram sonne of Ahab, beganne Ohoziah to raygne ouer Iuda. 30 And when Iehu was come to Iesrahel, Iezabell hearde of it, and starched her eyes, & tyred her head, & loked oute at a wyndowe. 31 And as Iehu entred at the gate, she said had Zamri peace whiche slewe his mayster. 32 And he lyfte vp hys eyes to the wyndowe & sayde: who is of my syde who? And there loked oute to hym two or thre lordes that were chamberlaynes. 33 And he sayde. Throw her doune. And they threw her doune. And he sprinkled of her bloude vpon the walles & on the horses, and troade her vnder fote. 34 And then when he was come in, & had eaten and droncke, he sayde: go & vyset I praye you, yonder cursed creature, & burye her, for she is a kynges doughter. 35 And when they came to burye her, they founde no more of her, then the skulle & the two fete and the two handes. 36 And they came agayne, and told hym. And he said: it is the worde of the Lorde whiche he spake by the hande of hys seruaunte Eliah the Thesbite, sayinge: in the felde of Iezrahel shall dogges eate the fleshe of Iezabel, 37 and the carkas of Iezabel shalbe donge vpon the earthe, in the felde of Iesrahell, the men shall not say thys is Iezabel.