2 Kings 18:9-12

Matthew(i) 9 And the fourthe yeare of kynge Hezekiah, whiche was the seuenthe yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israel, came Salmanasar kynge of Assyrya vpon Samaria, & beseged it. 10 And they toke it at the ende of thre yeare, which was the sixte of Hezekiah: that is to say the nynthe yeare of Hosea kynge of Israell, was Samaria wonne. 11 And the kynge of Assyrya dyd carye awaye Israel vnto Assyrya, & put them in Halah & in Habor on the ryuer of Gozan, & in the cytyes of Medes: 12 because they wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde theyr God. But transgressed hys appoyntemente, and all that Moses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded, and wolde neyther heare nor do.