8 And they walked in the ordinaunce of the hethen which the Lorde caste oute before the children of Israel, and in the thynges which the kynges of Israell had made.
9 And the chyldren of Israel wrapt them selues in thynges that were not well toward the Lorde their God. And they buylte them hylaulters in al theyr cytyes, bothe in the toures where they kepte watche, and also in the strong tounes.
10 And they made them Images & groues on euerye hye hyll, & vnder euerye grene tree.
11 And there they sacrifyced in the hylaulters, as dyd the hethen which the Lorde caried awaye at theyr commynge, & wrought weked dedes, to angre the Lord wyth al.