16 But they lefte the commaundementes of the Lorde their God, and made them Images of metall, euen .ij. calues: & made groues, and bowed them selues vnto all the host of heauen, & serued Baal,
17 And they sacrificed their sonnes & their doughters in fyre, & vsed witchcraft & enchauntementes, & were solde to worcke wickednes in the sight of the Lorde for to angre hym.
18 Wherfore the Lorde was excedyng wrothe with Israel & put them oute of hys sighte, that there was lefte but the trybe of Iuda onelye,
19 and therto Iuda kept not the commaundementes of the Lorde theyr God, but walked in the ordinaunces of Israel whiche they had made.
20 Therfore the Lorde caste vp all the seed of Israell, and vexed them and delyuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntyll he had cast them oute of his syght.