2 Kings 17:16-20

Bishops(i) 16 But they left al the commaundemetes of the Lord their God, and made them images of metal, euen two calues, and [made] idol groues, & worshipped all the hoast of heauen, and serued Baal 17 And they sacrificed their sonnes and their daughters in fire, and vsed witchcraftes, & enchauntmentes, euen selling them selues to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde, and to anger him 18 And the Lorde was exceeding wroth with Israel, & put them out of his sight, that there was left but the tribe of Iuda onely 19 Neuerthelesse, Iuda also kept not the commaundementes of the Lorde their God, but walked in the ceremonies of Israel whiche they made 20 And the Lord cast of all the seede of Israel, and vexed them, & deliuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntil he had rast them out of his sight