7 Then Ahaz sente messengers to Teglath Phalasar Kyng of Assyrya, saying: I am thy seruaunte and thy sonne, come & delyuer me oute of the hande of the kynge of Syrya, and out of the hande of the kynge of Israel which are rysen agaynst me.
8 And Ahaz toke the syluer and the goulde that was founde in the house of the LORDE and in the treasure of the kynges house, and sent it for a rewarde to the Kynge of Assyria.
9 And the king of Assyrya herkened to hym, and went to Damasco, and toke it, and caried the people away to Kir, and slue Razin.
10 And King Ahaz wente agaynste Teglath Phalasar Kyng of Assyrya to Damasco. And when he sawe a certen aulter that was at Damasco, he sente to Vriah the Priest the patern of the aulter and the fashyon of all the workmanship thereof.
11 And Vriah the Priest made an aulter in all poyntes lyke to the paterne whiche kynge Ahaz had sent from Damasco, and had fynyshed it by the kynges comming from Damasco.