14 Behold the now thyrde time I am redy to come vnto you, and yet wyll I not be greuouse vnto you. For I seke not yours, but you. Also the chyldren ought not to lay vp for the fathers & mothers but the fathers a mothers for the chyldren.
15 I wyll very gladly bestowe, and wyll be bestowed for youre soules: thoughe the more I loue you, the lesse I am loued agayne.
16 But be it that I greued you not: neuerthelesse I was crafty and toke you with gyle.
17 Dyd I pyl you by any of them which I sent vnto you?
18 I desyred Titus, and with hym I sent a brother. Did Tytus defraude you of any thing? walked we not in one spyryte? walked we not in lyke steppes?