2 Corinthians 12:14-18

Diaglott(i) 14 Lo, a third time this in readiness I am to come to you, and not I will burden you; not for I seek the things of you, but you. Not for it is fitting the children for the parents to treasure up, but the parents for the children. 15 I but most gladly will spend and will be utterly spent on behalf of the souls of you; if even more abundantly you loving, less I am loved. 16 Let it be so but; I not did burden you; but being crafty, with guile you I took. 17 Not any one of whom I have sent to you, through him I overreached you? 18 I exhorted Titus, and I sent with the brother, not overreached you Titus? not in the same spirit we walked? not in the same steps?