27 And there came a man of God vnto Eli & sayde vnto hym: thus sayth the Lorde. I apeared vnto the house of thy father, when they were in Egypte in Pharaos house.
28 And I chose thy father out of al the trybes of Israel to be my prieste for to offer vpon myne aultar and to burne incense, & to were an Ephod before me. And I gaue vnto the house of thy father all the offerynges of the chyldren of Israel.
29 Wherfore kycke ye agaynste my sacryfyce and agaynst myne offeryng which I commaunde in the tabernacle, and honoreste thy chyldren aboue me, and make your selues fat of the fyrste frutes of all the offerynges of Israel my people?
30 Wherfore the Lorde God of Israel sayth: I sayde that thyne house and the house of thy father shulde haue walked before me for euer. But now the Lorde sayth: that be farre from me: for them that worshyppe me, I wyll worshyp, & they that despyse me, shalbe despised.
31 Behold the dayes wyl come that I wil cut of thyne arme and the arme of thy fathers house, that there shall not be an elder in thyne house.
32 And thou shalt se thyne enemye in the tabernacle, in al that shal please Israel, and there shall not be an elder in thyne house whyle the worlde standeth.
33 Neuerthelesse I wyll not destroye all thy males from my aultare, to dase thy syghte with all and to make thyne hert melte. And al the multitude of thyne house shall dye younge.
34 And this shalbe a sygne vnto the, that shal come vpon thy two sonnes, Hophni and Phinehes: euen in one daye they shal dye bothe of them.
35 And I wyl stere me vp a faythful priest that shal do as it is in myne hert & in my mynd. And I wyl buylde him a sure house. And he shall walke before myne anoynted for euer.
36 And they that are lefte in thyne house, shall come & crouche to hym for a lytle pece of syluer & a cake of bread, and shall saye: put me I praye the in one offyce, or other amonge the priestes, that I may eate a morsell of bread.