17 Now take hede and se what thou hast to do, for it is concluded to do mischeue vnto our maister, and to al his houshold. And he is vngracyous to speake to.
18 Then Abigail made hast and toke two hundred loues and two botelles of wine, and fiue shepe redy dressed and fyue measures of parched corne, and an hundred bondelles of reasings, and two hundred frayles of fygges, and laded them on asses,
19 & sayde vnto her younge men: go before me, & se I come after you, and tolde her husbande Nabal nothing therof:
20 and as she rode on her asse and was coming doune in a slade of the hyll, Dauid and his men came doune against her and she met them.
21 And Dauid sayde: in vayne haue I kept all that this felowe had in the wildernesse, so that nought was myssed that pertayneth vnto him, for he hath quytte me with euyll for good.
22 So and so do God vnto the enemies of Dauid, as I wil not leaue of all that pertaine to hym, by the daunynge of the daye, ought that pisseth agaynst the wall.
23 When Abigail sawe Dauid, she halted & light of her asse, and fell before Dauid on her face, and bowed her selfe to the grounde,
24 and fel at his fete and sayde: Let thys vnhappye deade be counted myne, my lord, and let thine handmaid speake in thine audience, and heare the wordes of thy handmayde.
25 Let not my Lorde regarde thys vnthryftye man Nabal, for as hys name is, so is he. Nabal is his name, and follye is with him. But I thine handmayde sawe not the younge men of my lorde whiche thou sendest.
26 And nowe my lord as sure as the lorde lyueth and as thy soule lyueth, the Lorde hathe witholden the from commyng to shede bloud and from aduenging thy self with thine own hande. Forthermore I praye God that thyne enemies and they that entende to do my Lord euyl, may be as Nabal.
27 And now this blessing, whiche thine handmaide hath brought, let it be geuen vnto the young men that folowe my Lorde.
28 Forgeue the trespace of thine handmaide that the Lorde may make my lord a suer house, because my Lorde fyghteth the battelles of the Lorde, and there coulde none euill be founde in the in all thy lyfe.
29 And yf any man rise to persecute the and to seke thy soule the soule of my Lorde be bounde in a bondel of lyfe with the Lorde thy God. And thy soules of thy enemies be slong in the midle of a slinge.
30 And moreouer when the Lorde shal haue done to my Lord all the good that he hath promysed the, and shal haue made the ruler ouer Israel:
31 then shall it be no grudge of conscience vnto the or discourage of herte vnto my Lorde, that thou sheddest bloud causelesse and dyddest aduenge thy selfe. And moreouer when the Lorde shall haue dealt wel with my Lorde, then thinck on thine handmayde.
32 Then sayde Dauid to Abigail: blessed be the Lorde God of Israel which sent the this daie to mete me.
33 And blessed be thy behaueoure, and blessed be thou whyche hast kept me this daye from coming to shed bloud and from aduenging my selfe with mine own hande.
34 For in very dede as sure as the Lorde God of Israel liueth whiche hath kept me backe from hurting the, excepte thou haddest hasted and met me, there hath not bene lefte Nabal by the dauninge of the daye, a pysser against the wall.
35 And so Dauid receyued of her hand that she brought hym, and sayde to her: go in peace to thine house. And se I haue obeyed thy voyce, and haue receyued the to grace.