40 And Hiram made pottes, shouelles and basons, and so fynyshed all the worcke that he made kynge Salomon for the house of the Lorde:
41 that is to saye, two pyllers & two skalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the two pyllers,
42 and foure hundred pomegranetes vpon two wrethes, two rowes on eyther wrethe, to couer the two skalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the two pyllers:
43 And the ten bottomes of brasse wyth ten lauers vpon them: & a sea
44 with twelue oxen vnder it:
45 & pottes, shouels & basens. And al these vesselles whiche Hiram made to kyng Salomon for the house of the Lorde were of bright brasse.
46 And in the playne of Iordan dyd the kynge cast them; euen in the claye of the earth betwene Socoh and Zarthan.
47 And Salomon left all the vesselles vnwayed, for the excedinge abundaunce of brasse that was in them.
48 And Salomon made all the vesselles that pertayned vnto the house of the Lord: the aultare of goulde, and the table of goulde wheron the shewe bread was put:
49 And fyue candelstickes, for the ryghte syde, and as manye for the left, before the quere, of pure goulde: wyth floures,
50 lampes, and snoffers of goulde: and Bolles, Psalteries, basons, spones and fyre pannes of pure goulde: and hynges of gould bothe for the dores of the quere, the place most holye, and for the dores of the temple also.
51 And so was ended all the worcke that kynge Salomon made for the house of the Lorde. And then Salomon brought in the thynges which Dauid hys father had dedicated in siluer, goulde and other vesselles, & put them to the treasure of the house of the Lorde.