40 And Hiram made pottes, shouelles and basons, and so fynyshed all the worcke that he made kynge Salomon for the house of the Lorde:
1 Kings 7:40 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 24:6
6 And Moyses toke halfe of the bloude & put it in basens, and the other halfe he sprenkled on the aulter.
Exodus 39:32-43
32 Thus was al the worke of the habitacion of the tabernacle of witnesse fynysshed. And the chyldren of Israel dyd accordynge to all that the Lorde had commaunded Moses.
33 And they brought the habitacion vnto Moses: the tent and al his apparel therof: the buttones, boordes, barres, pillers & sockettes:
34 and the couerynge of rams skynnes red, & the coueryng of taxus skynnes, & the hangyng vayle,
35 & the arcke of witnesse with the staues therof, and the mercyseate:
36 the table & al the ordinaunce therof, and the shewbred,
37 & the pure candelstycke, and the lampes prepared therunto with all the vessels therof, and the oyle for lyghtes,
38 and the golden altare, and the anoyntynge oyle and the swete cens, and the hangynge of the tabernacle doore,
39 & the brasen alter, and the gredyren of brasse longyng therunto wyth hys barres and all hys vessels, and the lauer with hys fote,
40 and the hangynges of the court with his pillers and sockettes, & the hanging to the courte gate, hys boordes & pynnes, & all the ordynaunce that serueth to the habitacion of the takernacle of wytnesse,
41 and the mynystryng vestymentes to serue in the holy place. and the holy vestymentes of Aaron the preast and hys sonnes raymentes to mynystre in:
42 accordyng to all that the Lord commaunded Moses: euen so the chyldren of Israel made al the worke.
43 And Moses beheld al the worke: and se, they had done it euen as the Lord commaunded: and then Moses blessed them.
1 Kings 7:28
28 And the workes of the botomes was on this maner that the sydes were as it were flat bordes betwene the ledges.
2 Kings 25:14-15
2 Chronicles 4:8
8 And he made also ten tables, and put them in the temple: fyue on the ryght syde and fyue on the lefte. And he made an hundred basens of goulde.
2 Chronicles 4:11-16
11 And Hyram made pottes, shouelles and basens. And Hyram fynyshed the worcke, he made for kynge Salomon vnto the temple of God,
12 the two pyllers with their scalpes of the two heades that were on the toppes of the pillers: and the two wrethes to couer the two scalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the pillers,
13 and foure hundred pomegranates for the two wrethes, two rowes of pomegranates for euery wrethe, to couer the two scalpes of the heades that were on the pyllers.
14 And he made bottomes, and lauers vpon the bottomes,
15 & the sea wyth twelue oxen vnder it.
16 And therto pottes, schouelles, flesh hokes, and all theyr vesselles dyd Hyram Abi make for king Salomon for the house of the Lorde, of bright brasse.