1 Kings 21:5-14

Matthew(i) 5 And then Iezabel his wyfe came to him, and said vnto him: why art thou so frowarde, that thou eatest no meate. 6 And he sayde vnto her: I spake vnto Naboth the Iezrahelite, and sayde vnto him: geue me thy vineyarde for syluer, or else yf thou wilt, I will geue the another vyneyarde for it. And he sayde: I will not geue the my vyneyarde. 7 Then sayde Iezabel hys wyfe vnto hym: what a goodly kingedome were thou able to make in Israel? vp and eate meate and sette thyne herte a rest, for I wyll geue the, the vineyarde of Naboth the Iezrahelite. 8 And she wrote a letter in Ahabs name and sealed it wt hys seale, and sent it vnto the elders and chefe men of his cytie that dwelt where Naboth dwelt. 9 And she wrote in the letter sayinge: proclayme fastyng and set Naboth on hye among the people, 10 and set two vnthriftes before him: and let them testifye agaynst hym sayinge: thou dyddest curse bothe God and the king: & vpon that carie him out & stone hym to death. 11 And the elders and nobles of the cities, whiche dwelt in hys citie, did as Iezabell had sent vnto them, and as it was written in the letter, whiche she had sent vnto them. 12 They proclamed fastynge, and set Naboth an hye amonge the people, 13 and there came in two vnthriftye persones and sate before him. And the two vnthriftye persones wytnesseth agaynst Naboth before the people sayinge: Naboth dyd curse God and the kinge. And vpon the they caryed him out of the cytye and stoned him wyth stones to death. 14 And then they sent to Iezabel saying: Naboth is stoned to death.