Isaiah 38:16-20

MSTC(i) 16 O LORD, men may live beyond their years, and I will declare to all men that even in those years, it was thou that causedest me to sleep, and again thou hast given me life. 17 Behold, bitter as gall was my pensiveness: so sore longed I for health. And it was thy pleasure to deliver me from the filthy pit: for thou it is, O Lord, that hath cast all my sins behind thy back. 18 For hell praiseth not thee, death doth not magnify thee. They that go down into the grave, praise not thy truth: 19 but the living, yea the living acknowledge thee, like as I do this day. The father telleth his children of thy faithfulness. 20 Deliver us, O LORD, and we will sing praises in thy house, all the days of our life."