44 Now therefore, come on, let us make a bond, I and thou together, and let it be a witness between thee and me."
45 Then took Jacob a stone and set it up on end,
46 and said unto his brethren, "Gather stones." And they took stones, and made a heap, and they ate there, upon the heap.
47 And Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha, but Jacob called Gilead.
48 Then said Laban, "This heap be witness between thee and me this day." Therefore is it called Gilead.
49 "And this toot-hill which the LORD seeth," said he, "be witness between me and thee when we are departed one from another:
50 that thou shalt not vex my daughters neither shalt take other wives unto them. Here is no man with us: behold, God is witness betwixt thee and me."
51 And Laban said moreover to Jacob, "Behold, this heap and this mark which I have set here, betwixt me and thee:
52 this heap be witness and also this mark, that I will not come over this heap to thee, and thou shalt not come over this heap and this mark, to do any harm.