40 Therefore many out of the crowd, having heard the word, said, This is truly the prophet.
41 Others were saying, This is the Christ. Others were saying, The Christ does not come out of Galilee, does he? 42 Did the Scripture not say that the Christ comes out of the seed of David and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? 43 So there became a split in the crowd because of him. 44 But some out of them were wishing to arrest him, but no one put hands upon him.
45 Therefore, the attendants came to the high-priests and Pharisees, and those men said to them, Why did you not lead him here?
46 The attendants answered, Never, has a man spoken thus, like this man.
47 Therefore the Pharisees answered them, You have not also been misled, have you? 48 Not anyone from the rulers or from the Pharisees believed in him, have they? 49 But this crowd who does not know the law are cursed.
50 Nicodemus says to them (he who came to him by night, being one out of them), 51 Our law is not judging a man, if it does not hear from him beforehand and may know what he is doing, does it?
52 They answered and said to him, You are not also from Galilee, are you? Search and behold that no prophet has arisen out of Galilee.
41 Others were saying, This is the Christ. Others were saying, The Christ does not come out of Galilee, does he? 42 Did the Scripture not say that the Christ comes out of the seed of David and from Bethlehem, the village where David was? 43 So there became a split in the crowd because of him. 44 But some out of them were wishing to arrest him, but no one put hands upon him.
45 Therefore, the attendants came to the high-priests and Pharisees, and those men said to them, Why did you not lead him here?
46 The attendants answered, Never, has a man spoken thus, like this man.
47 Therefore the Pharisees answered them, You have not also been misled, have you? 48 Not anyone from the rulers or from the Pharisees believed in him, have they? 49 But this crowd who does not know the law are cursed.
50 Nicodemus says to them (he who came to him by night, being one out of them), 51 Our law is not judging a man, if it does not hear from him beforehand and may know what he is doing, does it?
52 They answered and said to him, You are not also from Galilee, are you? Search and behold that no prophet has arisen out of Galilee.