10 Now when the governor had signaled to him to speak, Paul answered, Having known you are a judge to this nation out of many years experience. I am cheerfully making my defense of these things concerning myself.
11 You surely are able to know that it is not more-than twelve days to me from which time I went up to worship in Jerusalem;
12 and they did not find me reasoning angrily with anyone, or making a hostile gathering of the crowd in the temple, nor in the synagogues, nor in the city,
13 nor are they able to present things concerning me, of which they are now accusing me.
14 But I confess this thing to you, that thus I am giving-divine service to the God of our forefathers according to The Way, which they call a sect, believing all things which are according to the law and which have been written in the prophets.
15 I have hope toward God, which these themselves also wait for, that there is about to be a resurrection of the dead, both of the righteous and unrighteous.
16 But I apply myself in this, having a guilt-free conscience always toward God and men.
17 Now throughout many years, I came doing charity and offerings to my nation;
18 in which they found me, having been purified in the temple, not with a crowd, nor with an uproar with some Jews from Asia,
19 who ought to be here and to accuse me in front of you, if they have anything to accuse me.
20 Or let these men themselves say what wrongdoing they found in me when I stood in front of the council,
21 or concerning this voice of which I cried out, standing among them. I am being judged by you today concerning the resurrection of the dead.