Romans 13:12-13

  12 G3571 The night G4298 is far spent [G5656]   G1161 , G2250 the day G1448 is at hand [G5758]   G659 : let us G3767 therefore G659 cast off [G5643]   G2041 the works G4655 of darkness G2532 , and G1746 let us put on [G5672]   G3696 the armour G5457 of light.
  13 G4043 Let us walk [G5661]   G2156 honestly G5613 , as G1722 in G2250 the day G3361 ; not G2970 in rioting G2532 and G3178 drunkenness G3361 , not G2845 in chambering G2532 and G766 wantonness G3361 , not G2054 in strife G2532 and G2205 envying.