Revelation 1:13

  13 G2532 και And G1722 εν In "the" G3319 μεσω Midst G3588 των Of The G2033 επτα Seven G3087 λυχνιων Lampstands "one" G3664 ομοιον Like "the" G5207 υιω Son G444 ανθρωπου Of Man, G1746 (G5765) ενδεδυμενον Clothed In "a Garment" G4158 ποδηρη Reaching To The Feet, G2532 και And G4024 (G5772) περιεζωσμενον Girt About With G4314 προς At G3588 τοις The G3149 μαστοις Breasts G2223 ζωνην A Girdle G5552 χρυσην Golden :