1 John 5:11-13

  11 G2532 And G3778 this G2076 is [G5748]   G3141 the record G3754 , that G2316 God G1325 hath given [G5656]   G2254 to us G166 eternal G2222 life G2532 , and G3778 this G2222 life G2076 is [G5748]   G1722 in G846 his G5207 Son.
  12 G2192 He that hath [G5723]   G5207 the Son G2192 hath [G5719]   G2222 life G2192 ; and he that hath [G5723]   G3361 not G5207 the Son G2316 of God G2192 hath [G5719]   G3756 not G2222 life.
  13 G5023 These things G1125 have I written [G5656]   G5213 unto you G4100 that believe [G5723]   G1519 on G3686 the name G5207 of the Son G2316 of God G2443 ; that G1492 ye may know [G5762]   G3754 that ye G2192 have [G5719]   G166 eternal G2222 life G2532 , and G2443 that G4100 ye may believe [G5725]   G1519 on G3686 the name G5207 of the Son G2316 of God.
  11 G2532 και And G3778 αυτη This G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3588 η The G3141 μαρτυρια Witness, G3754 οτι That G2222 ζωην Life G166 αιωνιον Eternal G1325 (G5656) εδωκεν Gave G2254 ημιν   G3588 ο To Us G2316 θεος God; G2532 και And G3778 αυτη   G3588 η This G2222 ζωη Life G1722 εν   G3588 τω In G5207 υιω Son G846 αυτου His G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is :
  12 G3588 ο He That G2192 (G5723) εχων Has G3588 τον The G5207 υιον Son, G2192 (G5719) εχει   G3588 την Has G2222 ζωην Life : G3588 ο He That G3361 μη   G2192 (G5723) εχων Has Not G3588 τον The G5207 υιον   G3588 του Son G2316 θεου   G3588 την Of God G2222 ζωην Life G3756 ουκ   G2192 (G5719) εχει Has Not.
  13 G5023 ταυτα These Things G1125 (G5656) εγραψα I Wrote G5213 υμιν To You G3588 τοις Who G4100 (G5723) πιστευουσιν Believe G1519 εις On G3588 το The G3686 ονομα Name G3588 του Of The G5207 υιου   G3588 του Son G2316 θεου Of God, G2443 ινα That G1492 (G5762) ειδητε Ye May Know G3754 οτι That G2222 ζωην Life G2192 (G5719) εχετε Ye Have G166 αιωνιον Eternal, G2532 και And G2443 ινα That G4100 (G5725) πιστευητε Ye May Believe G1519 εις On G3588 το The G3686 ονομα Name G3588 του Of The G5207 υιου   G3588 του Son G2316 θεου Of God