Nehemiah 5:1-11

JuliaSmith(i) 1 And a cry of the people and their wives will be great against their brethren the Jews. 2 And there is which saying, Our sons and our daughters, we being many: and we will take grain and we will eat and live. 3 And there are those saying, Our fields and our vineyards and our houses we pledge, and we will take grain in the famine. 4 And there are those saying, We borrowed silver for the king's tribute, our fields and our vineyards. 5 And now according to the flesh of our brethren, our flesh; as their sons, our sons: and behold, we subdue our sons and our daughters for servants, and there is from our daughters being subdued: and not to the strength of our hand and our fields and our vineyards to others. 6 And it will kindle to me greatly as I heard their cry and these words. 7 And my heart will take counsel to me, and I shall contend with the nobles and the prefects, and say to them, Ye impose a debt each upon his brother. And I shall give a great convocation against them. 8 And saying to them, We bought off our brethren the Jews, being sold to the nations; according to the sufficiency in us and also will ye sell your brethren? and were they sold to us? And they will be silent, and they found not a word. 9 And it will be said, Not good the word which ye do: will ye not go in the fear of our God from the reproach of the nations our enemies? 10 And also I, my brethren and my young men exacting upon them silver and grain: we will leave off now this debt 11 Turn back now to them according to this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive trees, and their houses, and the hundredth of the silver and the grain, the new wine and the new oil which ye impose upon them.