17 So since (or: But if; [other MSS: Consider this,]) you yourself are habitually calling (naming; classifying) yourself a Jew and are continuing to rest (lean back) upon [the] Law (= Torah), and are even from time to time boasting (expressing pride) in God,
18 and you are progressively knowing the Will by personal experience and insight, and are constantly testing in order to prove (or: approve) the things that habitually carry through (i.e., the essential things which matter and are different in that they are of greater value), while being a person regularly undergoing oral instruction from out of the Law (= Torah),
19 [and] likewise (or: besides) you have confidence in yourself (or: you have persuaded yourself) to be a guide or an escort of blind folks on the way or in the path; a light within [the] darkness (obscurity of the shadow areas; dimness of the gloom), 20. a trainer (instructor; corrector; discipliner; educator) of senseless ones (folks without will, heart or guts; imprudent ones; foolish ones); a teacher of infants (ones not yet able to speak), while habitually having (or: holding) the outward form (rough sketch; outline; framework; semblance) of the experiential knowledge and of the truth (or: reality) within, or in union with, the Law (= Torah)...
21 You then, the one habitually teaching another (a different one), are not habitually teaching yourself! You, the one constantly preaching (proclaiming; heralding), “Do not steal,” are habitually stealing!
22 The person continually saying not to be committing adultery, you are habitually committing adultery! You, the one repeatedly detesting idols (responding to forms, shapes or concepts as an abomination, as something that is foul and stinks), are in the habit of robbing temples (despoiling or profaning the sanctuary)! [note: vss. 21-22 can also be rendered as questions]
23 You who are boasting in law (or: [the] Law [= Torah]; or: a law), through the transgression of (stepping across the line of; stepping to the side of; deviating from) the Law, you are constantly dishonoring (devaluing) God,
24 for according as it has been, and stands, written [in the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures)], "Because of you, God’s NAME [Yahweh?] is continuously being blasphemed (vilified; misrepresented; slandered; given a false image which hinders the Light) among the ethnic multitudes (nations; non-Jews; Gentiles)." [Isa. 52:5; Ezk. 36:20]
25 Now you see, circumcision, indeed, continues being beneficial (continues to profit, to help), if you should continue practicing (or: observing) [the] Law (= Torah). But if you should be a transgressor (side-stepper; violator) of [the] Law, your circumcision (cutting around) has become uncircumcision (literally: the foreskin).
26 Therefore, if the Uncircumcision (= non-Jews) should be habitually on watch to guard (have in keeping and maintain) the effects of justice and equity (the results of being pointed in the right direction; the fair and equitable dealings; the acts which result from what is right) of or from the Law (= customs from neighbor-based equity), will not his uncircumcision continue to be logically considered and accounted (reckoned; calculated) into circumcision (or: credited to his account for circumcision)?
27 And so the Uncircumcision, out of natural instinct (out of nature or native conditions; = naturally) habitually bringing the law to its goal (or: completing or fulfilling the Law), will continue judging (or: making a decision and a separation regarding) you – the one [who] through Letter and Circumcision [are] a side-stepper (a transgressor; a violator) of [the] Law,
28 for you see, the Jew is not the one in the visibly apparent or outwardly manifest (or: For not he in the outward appearance is a Jew), neither [is] circumcision that [which is] visibly apparent (outwardly manifest) in flesh (= in body),
29 but rather, a Jew [is] the one within the hidden [place] (or: [that which is] in the concealed [realm]) and circumcision [is] of [the] heart (= core of our being) – in union with Breath-effect (or: within [the] spirit; in attitude), not in letter – whose praise (applause; full recommendation; [note play on words: Jew is a derivative of "Judah," which means "praise"]) [is] not from out of mankind (humanity), but rather from out of God.
3 1 What then [is] the advantage (the thing given by the surplus of abundance which results in pre-eminence, prerogative and superiority) of the Jew, or what [is] the furthering benefit of the circumcision?
2 Much, in accord with every turn (i.e., from every angle, or, in every way), for first [of all] (or: in the first place; foremost; mainly), indeed, that they were (or: are) entrusted with God’s brief utterances (little words; [note: the diminutive of Logos; often translated: “oracles”]).