Revelation 6:2-12

JMNT(i) 2 And I saw, and consider! A bright white horse, and the One (or: He) continually sitting upon it is constantly holding a bow. And a victor’s wreath was given to Him, and He came forth (or: went out; passed on) repeatedly overcoming (continuously conquering), even to the end that He may overcome (conquer; be Victor). 3 Next, when He opened the second seal, I heard the second living one repeatedly saying, "Come (or: Go)!" 4 And so another horse, fiery (fiery-red; of the character or color of fire), came forth (or: went out), and to the One continually sitting upon it, to Him it was given to take the peace out of the Land (or: earth; territory; ground) so that they would slaughter (kill) each other. And a great sword was given to Him. 5 Then, when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living one repeatedly saying, "Come (or: Go)!" And I saw, and consider! A black horse, and the One continually sitting upon it [is] constantly holding a pair of balances (or: a balance bar) in His hand. 6 And I heard a voice within the midst of the four living ones repeatedly saying, "A small measure (a choenix: about a quart) of wheat [for] a denarius (a silver coin equivalent to a day’s pay), and three small measures of barley [for] a denarius; and you may not act unjustly to (wrong; harm; violate; injure) the olive oil and the wine." 7 And when He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living one repeatedly saying, "Come (or: Go)!" 8 And I saw, and consider! A pale, yellowish-green (pallid; ashen; colorless) horse, and the name for Him [Who is] continually sitting upon it [is] Death, and the Unseen (Greek: hades; or: = the grave) has been following with Him. And authority (lawfulness; permission; jurisdiction from out of Being) was given to Him upon the fourth of the Land (or: earth) to kill within broadsword, and with famine, and within death, even by the little animals (little beasts) of the Land (or: earth; ground). 9 Then when He opened the fifth seal, I saw, down under the altar of burnt-offering, the souls of the folks having been slaughtered [as in sacrifice] because of the Word of God (or: God’s message), and because of the witness (testimony; evidence) which they were holding (or: continued to have). 10 And they uttered a cry with a great (or: by a loud) voice, repeatedly saying, "Until when (How long), O Absolute Owner (Sovereign Lord; Master), the Set-apart (Holy) and True One, are You not deciding (separating and judging) and maintaining right for (operating out of the way pointed out for; or: avenging) our blood, out of those habitually having an abode (dwelling) upon the Land (earth)?" 11 And a brilliant white robe was given to each of them, and it was declared to them that they may rest themselves (permit themselves to cease from any movement or labor in order to recover strength) a little time longer (yet a short time) while (or; until) also [the number of] their fellow-slaves, even their brothers – those continually being about to be killed, even as they [were] – may be fulfilled (filled up; made full). 12 Next I saw when He opened the sixth seal, and there came to be a great shaking. And the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair. And the whole moon became as blood.