Matthew 4:3-10

JMNT(i) 3 Then, upon approaching and facing [Him], the examiner (the one continuously testing and bringing ordeals) said to Him, "Since You are God's Son (or: If you continue existing being a son of and from God), speak so that these stones can become (or: should come to be) loaves of bread." 4 Yet He, making a discerning reply, said, "It has been written, 'Mankind (or: The human) will not be habitually living on bread, alone, but rather on every utterance (gush-effect; result of a saying; effect of a flow; declaration; spoken word) which is constantly going forth (or: proceeding out) through God's [= Yahweh's] mouth.'" [Deut. 8:3] 5 At that time, the adversary (the one who thrusts [something] through folks; the devil) proceeds in taking Him along into the set-apart (holy) city, and then sets (or: placed; stationed; stands) Him upon the little wing of the Temple complex (or: court; grounds), 6 and it proceeds saying to Him, "Since You are God's Son (or: If you exist being a son of and from God), hurl (fling; cast) Yourself down, for it has been written, 'He will constantly give inner direction (or: an imparted goal) to His agents (or: messengers) about (concerning) You,' and, 'They will repeatedly lift You up (or: = catch You) on [their] hands (or: = so as to carry You in their arms) so that You would never strike Your foot against a stone (or: = so that you can at no time stumble or hurt Yourself).'" [Ps. 91:11-12] 7 Jesus affirmed to it, "Again, it has been written, 'You will not continue putting [the] Lord [= Yahweh], your God, to the test (or: You will not repeatedly attempt to set Yahweh out on trial or check out some proof about Him).'" [Deut. 6:16] 8 Again the opponent (adversary; one thrusting-through into [Him]) is progressively taking Him along – into an extremely high mountain range (or: a very high mountain), and successively points out for Him all the world's kingdoms (or: progressively shows to Him all the reigns of the controlling ordered-system of secular society), as well as their glory (their splendor and manifestations which call forth praise; their reputations). 9 Then it said to Him, "I will give all these things to You, if – falling prostrate – You would pay homage to me (worship me; do obeisance to me)." 10 At this [saying], Jesus then says to it, "Bring [it] under control, adversary (or: Subject [yourself], satan; Sink down below, adversary; Carry [this] off below, hateful accuser; or: Go away, satan)! You see, it has been written, 'You will constantly pay homage to (do obeisance to; worship; fall down and kiss the feet of) [the] Lord [= Yahweh] your God, and to Him alone you will repeatedly render hired service (or: sacred service).'" [Deut. 6:13]