6 and they were one after another being immersed (baptized) by him in the Jordan River, while in turn openly confessing (speaking out in agreement with) their failures (their mistakes, sins and failures to hit the target).
7 Now upon seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees [two religious and political sects of the Jewish culture] repeatedly or in turn coming upon the immersion (baptism) [event], he said to them, "O offspring (progeny; brood) of vipers (poisonous snakes)! Who secretly pointed out to you people (gave you a private, confidential suggestion) to flee, so as to escape, away from the inherent fervor (the internal swelling that gives rise to an impulse and mental bent which may be expressed in strong emotion, such as anger or wrath; a vigorous upsurge of [God's] nature) which is progressively about to be [demonstrated]?
8 "Produce, then, fruit which has a corresponding value to, and is appropriate of, a change in thinking and attitude, as well as a turn [toward God].
9 "Furthermore, do not presume to be habitually saying among yourselves, 'We continue having Abraham [as] a father,' for I am now saying to you that God continues able (or: constantly has power) to at once raise up (or: awaken) children to Abraham (or: for Abraham; in Abraham) from out of these stones!
10 "Now you see, the ax is already continuing lying [being focused] toward (or: facing toward) the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree not habitually (repeatedly; = seasonally) producing beautiful (ideal; fine) fruit is customarily being cut out [of the orchard or garden], and is normally thrown into a fire. [comment: to be used for fuel]