16 And now, consider this: One person, after approaching Him, said, "Teacher, what good shall I proceed doing (or, as a subjunctive: what virtuous act or excellent and worthwhile deed can I perform) to the end that I can hold and possess eonian life (life having the character and qualities of the Age and whose source is the Age; life for the ages)?"
17 So He said to him, "Why are you now proceeding in asking Me about the Good? One continuously exists being (or: is) the Good. (or: What do you now inquire of Me concerning 'goodness and virtue'? Excellence {Intrinsic value; Quality; Good; Virtue} is one {or: unity; oneness}.) Yet, if you continue desiring and intending to enter into the Life, continue habitually observing, guarding and keeping the implanted goals (impartation of the finished product within; inward directives)."
18 He then responds to Him, "Which (or: Which sort; Which ones)?" So Jesus affirms, "These: 'You will not continue committing murder. 'You will not continue committing adultery, 'You will not continue stealing. 'You will not continue bearing a false witness or giving a false testimony.' [Ex. 20:13]
19 -720'You will continue honoring and expressing value to the father and the mother.' [Ex. 20:12] 'You will continue loving the one near you (your neighbor and associate) as he were yourself,'" [Lev. 19:18]
20 The young man then replies to Him, "I keep watch over and maintain all these. What yet am I habitually lacking; where am I still deficient and falling behind?"
21 Jesus affirmed to him, "Since (of: If) you continue desiring and intending to be mature and perfect (= if you are serious about reaching the goal), humbly proceed going your way, at once sell the things of your subsistence (those things supporting you from your beginning and giving you authority; or: your possessions and belongings; or: the things currently at your disposal), and give [the proceeds] to the poor and destitute folks. Then you will continue holding and possessing treasure within the midst of heaven (or: in [your] atmosphere). After that, come here and be habitually following Me."
22 Now upon listening and hearing this message (word; idea; saying), the young man went away, progressively grieving and experiencing pain, for you see, he had been existing constantly having many acquisitions of possessions and properties (the results of many acquisitions).
23 So Jesus said to His disciples, "It is so (or: Truly; Count on it), I am now saying to you men, it is with things that are disagreeable and difficult for those who are hard to please that a rich and wealthy person will progressively enter into the reign of the heavens (or: the heavens' kingdom; or: the sovereign rule pertaining to the atmospheres).
24 "Now again (or: Furthermore), I continue saying to you folks, it is easier for a camel to squeeze through a needle's eye (hole) than for a rich, wealthy person to enter into God's reign (or: kingdom influence and sovereign activities)."