Matthew 13:11-13

JMNT(i) 11 So giving a decided response, He said to them, "To (or: For; With) you folks it has been given to intimately experience and insightfully know the secrets (mysteries) of the reign of the heavens (or: the kingdom which is the heavens; the royal rule which pertains to and has its origin in the heavens, and which emanates from the atmospheres), yet it has not been given to those people. 12 "You see, whoever continues possessing (presently and habitually holds [understanding]; repeatedly has [something]), to him it (or: something; or: [understanding]) will continue being given and he will habitually be made to superabound (or: have more than enough); yet whoever does not continue possessing (habitually holding; repeatedly having), even what he does have will be progressively taken away from him. 13 "Therefore I continue speaking in parables (with illustrations) to them, because while seeing (or: observing) they continue not seeing, and during listening (or: hearing) they are not hearing (or: listening) neither are they comprehending or understanding (having things flow together so as to get the picture or see the relationships).