Mark 10:42-45

JMNT(i) 42 So Jesus, calling them to Himself, then proceeds laying out His thoughts, saying to them, "You men have seen and are thus aware that those of the ethnic multitudes (or: of the nations, who are non-Jews, or Gentiles) [who] are habitually presuming (or: are normally seeming, appearing or supposing) to be constantly ruling, are habitually exercising full ownership of them while habitually bringing the effects of their lordship down on them, and their great ones are continually exercising complete authority while putting them down under their dominion and coercion. 43 "Yet it does not exist (or: it is not) this way among you folks. To the contrary, whoever may continue intending (wishing; desiring; wanting; purposing) to become great (or: a great or important person) among you will continue existing being your attending servant. 44 "And whoever may continue intending (desiring; purposing) to be first among you folks will continue existing being a slave of everyone (or: all). 45 "You see, even the Son of the Man (or: And so, the Son of humanity, as well,) did not come to be given attending service, but to the contrary, to give attending service, and further, to give His soul (or: soul life) [as] a ransom payment – for unbinding and release – for, as, in the place of, and thus on behalf of and which corresponds to, many people."