Mark 10:25-27

JMNT(i) 25 "It continues being easier for a camel to pass through the midst of a needle's perforation (or: eye; hole bored or worn-through) than for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of God (God's sovereign reign and activities). 26 "So they began being exceedingly struck out of their wits, being overwhelmed with bewilderment, saying to Him [other MSS: to one another], "So who is able to be saved (rescued; delivered; made healthy and whole)?!" 27 Upon looking at and within them, Jesus then is saying, "On the side of humanity (or: with mankind) [it is] impossible, but on the other hand, not on the side of God (or: not with God), for all things [are] possible at God's side (or: everything is able [to happen] with God)."