Luke 6:35-38

JMNT(i) 35 "In any case, be continuously loving your enemies (the ones hostile to you), and be constantly doing good, and also be habitually lending while expecting [to get] nothing back. Then your wage and reward will proceed being much, and you folks will continue be sons (= have the character and qualities) of the Most High. "You see, He Himself continuously exists being benevolent, usefully kind and profitable upon the ungracious, unthankful and ungrateful, as well as the useless, unprofitable, pernicious and wicked folks. 36 "Continue becoming compassionate people, just as your Father continuously exists being compassionate! 37 "And stop (or: do not continue) separating and judging, and then under no circumstances can you folks be separated and judged; and stop (or: do not continue) pointing down against right relationships and opposing fairness and equity and acting against the Way pointed out and condemning, and then under no circumstances can you be unjustly opposed, condemned or pointed down [at]. Be habitually releasing, and you will proceed being released. 38 "Be constantly giving, and it will continue being given to you – a beautiful, fine and ideal measure: one having been pressed and squeezed down, having been shaken back and forth, [and] continuing to be caused to gush out and spill over (or: repeatedly made to overflow) will they be progressively giving into your bosom (= the pocket formed by tying the outer garment at the waist, then pulling the upper part out into a fold; or: pouring into your lap). You see, the same measure with which you normally measure [out], will continue being [used to] measure in return (or: in its place) to, and for, you folks."