Luke 16:22-23

JMNT(i) 22 "Now at one point it came to be [for] the destitute man to die off and for him to be carried away by the agents (or: messengers) into Abraham's place of safety and intimacy (bosom; breast; chest; folds of a garment; inlet or bay; [note: a figure of Paradise]). Now the rich man also died, and he was buried (or: – he also was entombed). 23 "Then, undergoing the distress of being examined, tested and tried (having the touchstone applied to check his composition) within the midst of the unseen [realm] (or: = the grave; the sphere or state of the dead; Greek: hades), upon lifting up his eyes he continues seeing Abraham, from afar, as well as Lazarus within his bosom (place of intimacy and safety).