15 So the Lord made a decisive reply to him, and said, "O you overly judging and critical folks (hupokrites; or: those who put texts under close inspection to sift and separate and then give an answer, an interpretation, an opinion; or: those who live by separating things yet who under-discern; or: those who make judgments from a low view; or: those who under-estimate reality; or: perverse scholars who focus on tiny distinctions)! Does not each one of you folks normally loosen (or: untie) his ox or ass from the stall (or: stable; or: feeding trough) on the sabbath – and then continuing in leading [it] off, is habitually giving [it water] to drink?
16 "Now this woman – being a daughter of Abraham whom the adversary (or: opponent) binds, and consider it!, eighteen years! – did it not continue binding and necessary for [her] to be at once loosed from this bond on the sabbath day (a day of rest and ceasing from labor)?"
17 And with His continuing in saying these things, all those continuing in opposition to Him began being brought down in shame and complete disgrace – and yet all the crowd rejoiced at all the glorious (splendid; remarkable) things coming to be by, and taking place under, Him.