Ephesians 6:13-14

JMNT(i) 13 On account of this, you folks receive back again (or: at once take up) the full suit of armor (panoply; implements of war) which is God (or: which belongs to and has its source in God), to the end that you would have powerand be able to withstand and resist (to stand opposite, over against as facing an opponent; or: stand in [other folks'] place, instead of [them]) within the harmful and misery-gushed day (or: the day of bad conditions), and then accomplishing all (achieving and effecting everything [the whole]), to stand firm. 14 You folks stand (or: at once take your stand), then, after girding yourselves aroundyour waist (or: loins) in union with Truth and within the midst of Reality, and then, entering within (putting on; clothing yourself with) the breastplate armor (cuirass; corslet) of fair and equitable dealing (or: which is the rightwised relationships of the Way pointed out; the Righteousness; the Justice; also = covenant inclusion and participation),